About me

Hi, I am a Baby Boomer born in Yorkshire and never left. I Intended to go to art school as a young man but needed to earn a living if you get my drift. However, I satisfied my need to draw by producing cartoons for people’s entertainment and their special occasions.

Now that you have found my book amongst the six million or so out there on Amazon, then I really do hope that you enjoy the read.

In THE LETTER which is set in Yorkshire have remained faithful to the era in which the novel is set. A time without mobile phones, advanced computers and all things internet. Hopefully, it will take you back to that place or for other readers maybe show you something different, a world without social media and interconnected data.

DEVLIN’S DILEMMA is a crime novel set in a sleepy Irish village where a families secrets are exposed piece by piece as a family member returns from England to attend his brother’s funeral. Enjoy the read.

My favourite authors include Walter Mosley, Andrea Camilleri and Elmore Leonard

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